Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

The Eiffel Tower

 On Saturday we went to the city of Paris. Our camping was right across the railway station, so we took the train to Gare de l'Est. It was about 50 minutes by train.

From Gare de l'Est we took the subway to Trocadero, which (we consider) gives you the greatest view on the Eiffel Tower. It was a bit rainy that day, but still very crowded.
 Although the lines were very long, we decided to go up of course! We stood in line for almost 2,5 hours before we could get in the elevator to go up. When buying the tickets, we were told we couldn't get all the way to the third floor. It was too crowed there, so they closed it for a while for new visitors. Too bad, we really wanted to go there.
We  were thinking of climbing our way up ourself, but our host told us it was a very long way up!
 Still, second floor is pretty high too, but we loved every minute of it!
As we were still very tired from the long day before, after we came down from the Eiffel Tower, we decided to return back to the camping and have a calm and relaxing afternoon there. We had to check out Sunday morning so we already packed our bags and put it all in the car. 

Tomorrow we will go home again. 

Thank you for the nice time in Paris!

Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

Second day at Disneyland

Today we left early again to go to Disneyland Paris. We spent all day at Disneyland, all the way untill the fireworks started.

We went to Disney Studio's, where Hans and Paul met Mike Wazowski from Monsters and Co. Mike was very friendly and let them sit on its head.

As the weather got better, we sat all together for a while, just eating our lunch and looking at all the people that were there as well. It was very crowded (as it almost always is in Disneyland). 
We joined many rides, but we were not always able to get some nice pictures.  Here is one from Orbitron, another favorite ride of us. Although Hans and Paul were not allowed to join the ride, they were allowed to sit on the small spaceship close to the ride (second picture).

 We also went to Autopia. The cars are too wobbly to take pictures when riding, but here is one just before we got on. We had 2 cars, Hans and Paul were with me in the car and of course we won!
The fireworks were awesome, they started at 22:30 uur so it was a VERY long stay at Disneyland that day!
So far for today!

Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

Disneyland Paris

Early morning we left for Disneyland Paris. The trip went fast so only after 5 hours we arrived at Disneyland! We were allowed to travel on the dashboard of the car of our host, so we had a great view!
We went straight to Buzz Lightyear, as it is one of our hosts favorite rides at Disneyland. We met Buzz Lightyear there as well, which was pretty cool!
Unfortunately we could take any pictures inside the ride, it was too dark and no flashes were allowed. Which we totally understand, it would definately ruin the ride.
Another ride we joined was the small World. Our host was pretty sure that we loved it there as there were all small puppets there! We kept on singing the theme song the whole day afterwards!
After we left this ride, it started to rain so we went back to the camping site where we spent the night.

Tomorrow we will go for the second time to Disneyland.

Selasa, 26 Mei 2015


Berkunjung ke suatu daerah untuk pertama kalinya seperti biasanya kuliner lokal selalu menjadi incaran utama. Begitu pula saat mendatangi kota Lubuk Linggau di Sumatera Selatan untuk dinas kantor. Di kota seluas 400an kilometer persegi ini sebenarnya saya mencicipi beberapa makanan, Beberapa teman biasanya menyebut pempek juga merupakan salah satu makanan khas kota ini. Hmm.. Kalau pempek sih di

Senin, 25 Mei 2015

Sinnesg�nge Oberkaufungen

Today we visited the "Sinnesg�nge" in Oberkaufungen. You can experiment with all your senses there. The different stations are in the former brick kilns of the old brick factory in Oberkaufungen
You can make the sound with your wet hands on the handles of the bowl and let the water sprinkel by the sound.
Here you can also make sound visible.
If you bow the metal plate, the sand forms beautyful symetric patterns.
Here is a humming stone, where you can put your head inside and hum. If you hit the right tone the stone will hum with you.
Here we watch a demonstration of water whirls.
At the barefoot path you can experience different undergrounds.
In this hallway you can feel different threads and  ropes all around your body.
The sand pendulum makes beautyful patterns. 

Selasa, 19 Mei 2015


26 Januari 2011,
Hotel Fortuna, Surabaya, Jawa Timur

Tadi pagi bangun jam 04.30. males-malesan bangun dan langsung mandi. Dingin
!!! Setelah bersiap-siap dan beres-beres (tentunya setelah sholat subuh), jam
05.30 berangkat menuju Pasar Minggu. Rencananya mau naik damri menuju bandara. Memang sih pesawat saya boarding jam 08.40, tapi namanya bandara jauh, mendingan
kecepatan datang daripada

Minggu, 17 Mei 2015

A day at the undertaker

We had some extraordinary experiences today.
Our host's family runs a funderal home...
...and showed us around.
Although we hope to have a lot of time left to travel around the world...
...if our time comes we wouldn't mind to be in such good hands.

Rabu, 13 Mei 2015



Puisi oleh Taufik Ismail

di Uzbekistan, ada padang terbuka dan berdebu

aneh, aku jadi ingat pada Umbu

Rinduku pada Sumba adalah rindu padang-padang terbuka

Di mana matahari membusur api di atas sana

Rinduku pada Sumba adalah rindu peternak perjaka

Bilamana peluh dan tenaga tanpa dihitung harga

Tanah rumput, topi rumput dan jerami bekas rumput

Kleneng genta,

Minggu, 10 Mei 2015


Hallo readers. Gue mau ngumumin nih kalo blog Mengaku Backpacker bakal hibernasi selama beberapa saat. Alasannya karena gue sibuk banget ama kerjaan baru gue (btw gue sekarang hijrah ke Surabaya). Sabtu Minggu yang harusnya libur aja seringkali gue masih harus muter2 ngurusin kerjaan gue. Nah, maka dari itu (apalagi gue juga harus adaptasi tinggal di kota baru), gue terpaksa menidurkan dulu segala aktivitas di blog ini. Gue nggak akan posting apapun selama bulan Mei (mungkin sampai Juni). Gue baru bisa bernapas lega sekitar akhir Juni soalnya ada liburan sekolah + libur Lebaran.

Sorry kalo berita ini ngecewain kalian. Tapi gue berharap, secepatnya bulan Ramadhan ini gue bisa update at least serial Jeff The Killer terbaru gue (season 4) yang akan gue kasi judul �Jeff X: The Rise of Homicidal Liu� buat nemenin puasa kalian. Sory buat yang ngarepin riddle atau urban legend dan creepypasta, soalnya cuman cerbung itu yang available untuk saat ini (di grup udah tamat ceritanya, gue cuman tinggal nunggu kiriman gambar dari anak2 grup aja). Sedangkan untuk riddle dll gue bener2 nggak ada waktu (dan tenaga) buat nyari dan translate (buat gambaran aja betapa beratnya kerjaan gue, dalam sebulan terakhir gue udah sakit ampe 2x).

Tapi jangan khawatir, semua comment yang masuk tetap akan gue baca. Hopefully, begitu blog gue balik ke peredaran, bakal ada banyak postingan keren yang gue share ke kalian (termasuk riddle2 baru tentunya).

Kalo kalian emang haus akan riddle dan nggak bisa nunggu, silakan gabung ke grup Line gue dimana kalian bisa baca riddle, urban legend, dan creepypasta hasil karya para member. Bahkan kalian bisa share riddle atau cerita bikinan kalian sendiri (tapi tetap aturan umur berlaku yaaaa, jadi sory banget buat yang masih SD atau SMP hehe).

That�s all for now pengumumannya. Karena kalian udah tau kondisi gue, maka gue mohon dengan sangat jangan ada comment di blog/facebook yang nanyain kapan riddle terbarunya, soalnya kalian semua udah tau jawabannya.
God bless U all :D

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

At the children's party

Today we went to a children's party at the Kindergarden.

Cusina Italiana in Haldensleben

We went out for dinner this evening...
and had some great food and wine!

Downtown Haldensleben

Today we took a tour around the old town of Haldensleben.
It is really beautyful.
Here we are in front of the town hall and the Roland on Horse. The Roland is the emblem of the hanse towns.

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015


Perjalanan dari Bandar Sri Begawan, Brunei menuju ke Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia bisa ditempuh dengan 2 cara, jalur laut dan jalur darat. Untuk perjalanan jalur laut bisa naik ferry dari pelabuhan Pekan Muara. Jangan tanya berapa harga dan bagaimana rasanya karena saya tidak memilih jalur ini. Saya memilih jalur darat dengan alasan, saya sudah terlalu sering naik kapal lintas kota, pulau dan provinsi

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015


Today we went to work with our host.
She works at a psychatry for Children and Adolescents.
We did some crafting there. Here is what we made.